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Monday, July 24, 2006

Top 25 recruiting Classes For The Fall

I found this the other day and thought I would post it. Below you will find a listing of the top 25 college football teams and how they did in the off-season getting high school players to sign with their programs. Florida was number one which was a surprise to me and the other surprises were Mississippi tied for 13th and Oklahoma State at 18. Check the list and see if your team made the top 25.

1. Florida (74)
2. Southern California (73)
3. Texas (67)
4. Georgia (66)
5. Notre Dame (60)
6. Florida State (57)
6. Penn State (57)
8. Louisiana State (56)
9. Oklahoma (54)
10. Auburn (47)
11. Michigan (44)
12. Ohio State (43)
13. Miami FL (33)
13. Mississippi (33)
15. Alabama (31)
16. Pittsburgh (30)
17. Clemson (29)
18. Oklahoma State (25)
19. UCLA (22)
20. Arizona (15)
21. Tennessee (11)
22. California (10)
23. Texas A&M (9)
23. Texas Tech (9)
25. Nebraska (6)


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